Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stock Market Trading Range

Most of the gains for the stock market have already been made this year. It will probably be a see-saw battle between the bulls and the bears from April through the November election. Bad news will surface from time to time that will send the market down. Then, through continual inflows from 401K funds, the bulls will eventually restore order again for a while since the money will need to go somewhere.

In this type of environment, a trader can always make money based on whether or not there is volatility in the stock market. If the market is calm, then XIV, an inverse volatility fund can be bought at around $10, and it could be sold at $12 or $13. The profit will need to be taken quickly because it will not last.

Then, for the downside of stocks, TVIX, a leveraged volatility fund could be bought. You could buy it at $8 or lower and sell it when it gets to $9.50 or higher. Then, hang onto the cash until the stock market pulls back again several weeks later. In this way, you can most likely make double or triple digit returns over the rest of the year based on whether the market is acting like a bull or a bear.

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