Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Insanely Important Vitamin that Almost Everyone Is Missing Out On

The Insanely Important Vitamin that Almost Everyone Is Missing Out On

Here is an excellent article about the great importance of Vitamin E.  I take 1000% of the RDA of Vitamin E daily and sometimes more.  As the article says, it is believed that Vitamin E helps against heart disease, and I am convinced it helps my circulation.

Something new that I learned from this article is that Vitamin E boosts your immune system.  This makes sense since the vitamin is an antioxidant.  It can also help against some cancers.  However, the article downplayed taking supplements toward the end because the author thought that a lot of people are getting enough Vitamin E from food.  I strongly disagree with the author on this because most of the people I know do not eat a lot of nuts nor do they eat a lot of salads.  So, I will continue to take my Vitamin E supplement called Smart Q10 which also includes of large amount of Coenzyme Q10 which moreover helps heart health along with energy.

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